Piano Lessons at Kleisler Music Studio

Piano lessons can be enjoyed by students of all ages!
Studio Equipment:
The piano studio is equipped with a wide variety of equipment and supplies for the student's learning and
enjoyment. A list of equipment/supplies that are accessible to each student or used to aid in their music education
is as follows:
- Yamaha Professional Upright Piano
- Baldwin/Hamilton Studio Upright
- Nine Electronic Keyboards
- Yamaha Drum Machine
- Two Computers
- Over 40 Music Education Software Programs
- Music Tape and CD Library containing over 250 items
- Printed Sheet Music, Music Books, and Music History Book Library
- Recorders and CD Players
- Wide Variety of Music Learning Games
- Wide Variety of Duo, Duet, Trio and Ensemble Music
- Video and Digital Cameras
- Variety of Music Textbooks

Computer Music Lab:
A Computer Music Lab is offered in addition to the lesson. Each student will have 15-30 minutes of lab time each
week either before or after the lesson. The student will be able to spend more time if it is available and if the
student wishes to. The lab consists of:
- Two computers with over forty music software programs that include lessons on note reading, music terms, rhythmic notation, scales, chords, music history, intervals, rhythmic exercises, composition, and music notation.
- A keyboard for practice or to work with programs on the computers.
- A CD Player that can be used for a "Listening Corner" to help students explore a wide variety of recorded music.
- A Lending Library consisting of tapes, videos, CD's, sheet music, and books for the student's use and enjoyment.
These music libraries and software programs help to emphasize concepts taught at the piano lesson in a fun and creative way. It gives students reinforcement on any area that may be a weakness or new concepts learned.